Treatment of Low Platelets in Pregnancy by Dr Disha Verman

Obstetrician and gynaecologist Dr. Disha Verman practises in Mathura, Uttar Pradesh. She is dedicated to providing comprehensive care to expectant mothers throughout their pregnancy journey.

Low Platelets in Pregnancy

To support the growing foetus, a pregnant woman’s body goes through a variety of changes. When evaluating the health of pregnant women, doctors pay close attention to several important factors, including the platelet count. Thrombocytopenia, a disorder in which the blood cells needed to perform clotting are less active, can be brought on by a decline in platelet count.

Causes of Low Platelets in Pregnancy:

Numerous variables, including the following, can contribute to low platelets during pregnancy.

  • The main reason, gestational thrombocytopenia, is more frequently seen in the second and third trimesters. It is a temporary issue that typically goes away following delivery.
  • In some cases, a woman may have Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP) before pregnancy or develop it during pregnancy. ITP is an autoimmune disorder where the body’s immune system mistakenly destroys platelets.
  • Preeclampsia: This pregnancy-related condition can cause a drop in platelet levels, high blood pressure, and organ dysfunction.

Risks: While mild thrombocytopenia often does not cause significant issues during pregnancy, severe cases can increase the risk of bleeding complications during childbirth.

Symptoms and Diagnosis:

Low platelets during pregnancy may not always be accompanied by obvious symptoms. When symptoms do manifest, they may include:

  • Easy bruising
  • Prolonged bleeding from small injuries
  • Nosebleeds
  • Tiny red spots on the skin (petechiae)
  • Excessive bleeding during childbirth

A complete blood count (CBC) is frequently used in diagnosis to assess platelet levels. It is diagnosed when a pregnant woman’s platelet count falls below the normal range, which is typically between 150,000 and 450,000 platelets per microliter of blood. It may be necessary to perform additional testing to identify the underlying cause.

Management and Treatment:

Low platelet counts during pregnancy must be treated while considering the seriousness of the problem and its underlying cause. Common treatment methods include the following:

  • Regular check-up: At prenatal appointments, tests are periodically run to make sure platelet levels stay within normal ranges.
  • Medications: In people with severe thrombocytopenia or ITP, medication may reduce symptoms and raise platelet levels.
  • Delivery plan: Making a birthing plan will help you get ready for childbirth. Low platelet counts during pregnancy may necessitate additional care, such as careful observation throughout labour and delivery.
  • Steroids: To reduce the immune system’s response and stop platelet degradation, patients with ITP may use corticosteroids.
  • Platelet transfusion: Transfusions of platelets could be necessary when there are serious concerns about bleeding or when platelet counts are dangerously low.

Get Treated for Low Platelets in Pregnancy by Dr. Disha Verman in Mathura

Women who are pregnant and have low platelets should see an obstetrician who specialises in highrisk pregnancies for care.

For individualised advice and care, reach out to Dr. Disha Verman in Mathura, Uttar Pradesh. Remember, a safe and healthy pregnancy for the mother and the unborn baby can be ensured with early discovery and thorough timely medical supervision.

Dr Disha Verman

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+ 91 9760070333


Verman Hospital,Sadar Road,Mathura,281001